
It's Talk-o-clock!!

A full lesson based on : "What time...?" questions

These two activities covering time fill around an entire lesson. The only exception would be if you had an especially high level class, they might get through it a bit quicker, but each time I've done it it's taken a full lesson.

Note: (This lesson is not deisgned to be used on the first occasion the students see this structure)

(Also this explanation is long, I apologize)

I used the random clock provided by @earthiverse and my students absolutely loved it!

I start the lesson with the clock on the TV/screen, and 2 questions written on the board; "What time is it?" and "What time do you get up?"

I bring the students attention to the clock and ask them ”What time is it now?" and input whatever answer the class gives me. I get them to do this 2 or 3 times as a class, and then call on 2 or 3 individual students to do the same.

Once they have done that, I move on to the other question. First practicing pronunciation, and then asking some individual students. Once they have a grasp on it, I let a student ask me, and we practice answering this question 2 or 3 times together with random times from the clock.

Next, I move onto reviewing the structures, really making sure to hammer home that "What time is it...?" is answered with "It is..." and "What time do you ...?" is answered with "I ... at ..."

Once I feel the students have a handle on this, I move onto the peer interview. (I used the format from @altirasuto's modal verb interview activity)

I drill the questions and then give the students a few minutes to fill out their answers, stressing that they should write full sentences.

Once they have done this, I demonstrate how the interview works with the JTE. You can use whatever structure you like, but I went for our usual one for inerview activities which is;

  1. Find a friend
  2. Play Janken
  3. Winner asks first
  4. When finised, switch the roles
  5. When finished, find a new friend and repeat

If this is part of a larger review at a later stage and the students have learned the 3rd person singular, you can ger them to write full sentences about their peers. In many of my classes this isn't the case yet.

In that scenario, while demonstrating, I make sure to stress that while their oral response MUST be a full sentence, the notes they take are just the times they are given for each question.

Once the students have finished this, I ask a few students their own answers and their partners. i.e. "What time do you get up? Okay! What about X?"

After this, I move on to the second activity.

The second activity is a race and speak designed around the ALT's daily schedule. (Feel free to change the questions and name to suit you)

First, I have the students make groups of 3 or 4 and hand out one worksheet to each student.

The first step is students work together to write the question that fits each answer. My classes were pretty okay with this, but depending on the level you may need to give them some extra help or guidance in this step.

After that, students pick their order and I call attention to the random clock once again.

The rest of the game is very simple. Students read the time on the clock and once they know it, one student from each group comes to me and tells me what time it is. If they are correct, they can ask one question from the sheet and fill in my answer, before going back home and sharing it with the rest of the group.

Students are only allowed to ask me to repeat my answer twice, so I make the point that they have to listen extremely carefully to my answer.

At the end, I draw up mt schedule on the board and ellicit the answers from the class. Each correct time gets 5 points and the groups with the most points at the end are the winners.

Submitted by GaeilgeAmee September 21, 2022 Estimated time: 50 minutes

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