This was adapted from @onaka's excellent work, so (wizard) hats off to them!
This version has slightly different language related to the New Horizon 2 text (p. 81).
I have also added more "hand holding" by doing a couple examples together as a class. I find this helps prepare students. It has also made it a longer activity (45 mins for my classes).
I have included two pdf files with a map and dialogue. These can be sent to the student's tablets for their reference, if desired.
Because both Magic Station and Snake Station are one stop from Daigon Alley Station, I've found it useful to discuss North/South/East/West. So students can say "Take the Green Line South" for example.
Between slides I've had a couple students 'present' their dialogue to the class. Ideally, by the last couple slides, some students should be able to give directions without referring to the text.
Again, thanks to @onaka for the excellent activity!
Thanks! I was planning on changing this for my NH classes so you've saved me a load of time. Nice one!
Nice. Thank you!
Fantastic! Happy to see these great improvements to the original version!
Outstanding! Thanks a lot for sharing!
There's a couple of typos in the letter. "instructions" and "Also" are misspelled. Great activity though, I might use it next week! Thanks
Thanks or the upload, my students got a real kick out of it! It was also easy enough to modify to make it take less time.
Hi, great work! Any chance of getting the PPTto adapt a bit, also to correct any spelling mistakes, thank you.
I was just looking at this activity again and realised that "Diagon Alley" is spelled correctly on the map, but then incorrectly though the dialogue demos ("Daigon Alley").
Better late than never, but I finally fixed the spelling of "Diagon Alley". I guess in my mind the pronunciation always sounded like 'a' before 'i'. Sorry!
As for the typos in Harry's invitation letter -- I didn't create it and it's uneditable. I also don't think it's a problem. In my opinion there's no need to actually read the letter word for word anyway.