
Comparison sentence translations!

A variety of sentences using comparison grammar to practice Japanese to English translations.

This activity is to practice comparison grammar! I have students team up and write their answers on whiteboards to encourage collaboration and writing practice.

-Whiteboards, markers and erasers (This activity can be done orally, but the whiteboards add more writing practice, make it easier to check answers, and keep more students engaged).
-Powerpoint and computer/projector for display
-Prize of choice

- Connect your computer/tablet to your classroom display, and mark a place on the board to keep track of points
- Pass out whiteboards and markers
- Review comparison grammar in New Horizons 2, unit 6 if needed.

1. Divide students into groups of 3-4 and have them janken to determine writing order (they will switch writers for each question)

  1. Set the timer based on ability (I usually give 1 minute or so), and tell students they have to write the English translation. To assist, each slide includes the number of words in the sentence, and for difficult vocabulary or movie/book titles, they appear immediately on the screen. Feel free to mess around with the Powerpoint animations and change this according to your class's level!

  2. Display a question on the board, set the timer, and wait for students to finish writing. When the timer beeps, have the students hold up their boards and check their grammar and spelling. I'm usually pretty strict with this, but it's up to you how you want to award points. I like awarding 1 point for correct grammar, 1 for correct spelling, and 2 for both :)

  3. Play as much as you can in your allotted time and award the winning team with your prize of choice!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Unit 6 Comparison Review!!.pptx (7.23 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by iamqualified December 26, 2022 Estimated time: 20 minutes

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