
Days of the Week - Where is the Character?

Game for practicing days of the week. Click on the day and a character comes out.

Game I made for my special needs class.
First slide is a review. After that, you click on the days of the week and a character pops out. Once you find the character you're looking for, you can click through to the next slide to see what they do on that day.
Has characters from Pokemon, Doraemon, Sumikko Gurashi, and Mario.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Days of the Week Character Search.pptx (4.31 MB)
  • 86
    Submitted by wanifan March 8, 2023 Estimated time: 5-15 minutes
    1. Bonjure289 March 9, 2023

      This is very cute! But just so you know, for the Mario slide, all the characters are already revealed.

    2. wanifan March 10, 2023

      I forgot to add the animations to that one! I'll fix it and reupload it.

    3. Denpa April 20, 2023

      Font choice could've been better. I personally changed everything to Comic Sans MS as it's more dyslexia-friendly. I added the kanji for the respective days using images from Irasutoya and changed the colours of the days.

      I also noticed that Mario is hiding under Friday but for some reason the example sentence uses Wednesday. To make it more consistent, I moved Mario from Friday to Wednesday.

      Thanks for sharing.

    4. KobeALT April 20, 2023

      @Denpa The font looks fine for me. It is one from the textbooks though. You must not have it downloaded.

    5. joyceisachoice June 1, 2023

      I teach at a school in a hospital once a week and the classes are one on one. This was perfect for our lesson and the students had a lot of fun. The design is so well done! Thanks for sharing :D

    6. jiggswalsh September 2, 2024

      Is Tokage Wednesday??!

    7. jiggswalsh September 3, 2024

      Ignore that, I realised the answer is on the next slide!

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