We recently discovered that the students enjoy crosswords, so I made a bunch so the students can review and get stickers during these last weeks of the school year. I made these using a crossword generator (https://worksheets.theteacherscorner.net/make-your-own/crossword/) so feel free to go make your own as well!
There are crosswords by grade and by topic. The by grade crosswords contain words from throughout the year and the topic crosswords contain one or two topics. Most of the words are from the picture dictionary and others are from the textbook speech topics (like "memory" from the "my best memory chapter" etc.). This works best as an end of class activity, extra credit activity, or something to keep the students who finish their work early busy.
The by topic crosswords have translations of "across" and "down" at the top, but most of the by grade ones do not, so you will need to write translations on the board.
Across=よこ Down=たて
These are great! Thank you!
Thank you so much for these! These are perfect for the end of the year when the students have finished the textbook!
@waivace and @skurlik2121 Glad you and your students can enjoy them! :D
These look nice! Do you have the solutions too? Some of the words I’m not sure about.
thanks so much for sharing!
@Sarachans I don't have any solutions at the moment. Sorry about that! I just used the picture dictionary for everything. Guess I kinda blanked that not all ALTs know Japanese, especially new ones. I'll get to work on it! I have a lot of deskwarming time so I can work on making answer sheets.
Nice design careful though. Countries, 16 down イギリスis not England, it’s The United Kingdom. Sports. 11 down clue is missing.