
Can you ___? Yes or No Bingo Interview

Crown JR 5 - L2

I used the bingo template from redshirt to make one using Can you ___? questions with verbs from the chant in Crown Jr. 5 L2 page 30-31.

It is an interview bingo so students take their bingo sheet and walk around the classroom asking each other 'Can you ____?' if the other student responds "Yes, I can!" the one asking the question will write their name in that box. To stop students from answering "No, I can't" to everything(or vice versa) the answers are pre-determined through the Xs and Os. There are three versions of the page marked with an X or a O on the page, each kid needs one page make sure you print all the versions though.
When printing y x 3 = number of students
Reccomend a minimum of four players, maximum... no limit!

Can you _____?
Vocab list: sing, swim, jump, fly, read, write, walk, run, cool, dance, play the guitar, play the piano*, play soccer, play tennis*, play volleyball*, and play baseball*

Also included a file to make memory game cards with the vocab, not including those with an asterisk.

Small files
  • Crown JR 5 - L2 - Page 30-31 Chant Memory Game Cards.docx (162 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Crown JR 5 - L2 - Can you Yes or No Bingo Interview PDF Version.pdf (6.11 MB)
  • Crown JR 5 - L2 - Can you Yes or No Bingo (1.03 MB)
  • Crown JR 5 - L2 - Page 30-31 Chant Memory Game Card Example.jpg (2.11 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by OdafromTaijima May 23, 2023 Estimated time: 10-15 min
    Inspired by Birthday Bingo
    1. FoolishQuadFire May 26, 2023

      Do the students get bingo when they fill in every block or?

    2. OdafromTaijima May 29, 2023

      @FoolishQuadFire, they get bingo when they get a row, but you can go to blackout if you wanted a longer game. Students only mark a box as completed by writing that person's name if that person answers "Yes, I can!"

    3. Gaijingaiden May 29, 2023

      So it's possible to get horizontal bingo with three answers, but you need four to get a vertical one? Wouldn't it be better to add one more row so diagonal bingos are possible too?

    4. OdafromTaijima June 1, 2023

      @Gaijingaiden I dont understand, its a 4 by 4 table. Even diagonally it would take 4 squares to make a bingo.
      Personally, I give the kids a time limit 4 minutes to get as many bingos as they can, it's all for fun

    5. OdafromTaijima June 1, 2023

      @Gaijingaiden Oh wait I think I understand now, you must be looking at this file Crown JR 5 - L2 - Page 30-31 Chant Memory Game Cards.docx (162 KB) that is not bingo, just cards if you wanted to make other games with the vocab. The bingo is in this file Crown JR 5 - L2 - Can you Yes or No Bingo Interview PDF Version.pdf (6.11 MB)

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