
There is, There are - Cave Raiders Game

This is an adapted version of the Cave Raiders Game available from

This is an Indiana Jones themed game. It's great for pattern practice of questions and answers.

Students work in teams.

One team makes a question which corresponds to a specific cave on a grid.

Then, they choose another team to answer. Both teams then play Janken to decide who gets the treasure.

In order to play this version of the game, students must also be comfortable with prepositions.

In this iteration, the answers are all in the negative, but feel free to mix it up!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • There Is There Are - Cave Raiders Game.pptx (25.2 MB)
  • 28
    Submitted by fennecfox June 27, 2023 Estimated time:
    1. prince4life August 30, 2023

      Awesome and splendid. I love it. However, there is no cave 'on' the map. Maybe, they choose somewhere else. Thanks for sharing.

    2. Beestonian December 6, 2023

      Literally whipped this out in the middle of class when My teacher asked me to come up with something on the spot. Stealing hearts as well as artifacts!

    3. Beestonian December 6, 2023

      Also, I can't praise the polish on this powerpoint enough. Absolutely everything has an animation that is juicy and doesn't take too long and helps communicate information intuitively. Fantastic work.

    4. KeiT04 February 20, 2024

      This is fantastic! Thanks!

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