
The Questions Game!

A fun activity to practice questions. Adjust this for any grade!

This is a fun activity where students need to think the correct question for a particular answer.

Make groups of 3 or 4 students, and give them just 1 worksheet per team. Read all the boxes and ask them if they understand what these boxes are. Students have to understand that these boxes are all answers. Once they get that, explain that they need to think the correct question for each of these answers. When they are ready to ask they have to call you (or the JET) and ask the question. If the question is correct, you sign that particular box. The numbers represent points, so at the end of the game, they have to count all the points they've earned.

I set some rules:
1) They can't write anything on the worksheet. This is a speaking activity. However, they can draw pictures.
2) They have to rotate in order to ask. I don't allow groups where only one kid ask the question.
3) They can't use textbooks, notebooks, etc. They have to figure out the questions by themselves.

You can arrange this activity for 1st, 2nd, or third grade. I attached my version, so please modify it for your classes. You can use any grammar for this game. In this case, my worksheet is for 2nd grade.

At the end check their points and the winner.

Hope you like it!

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    Submitted by Fernand June 27, 2023 Estimated time: 50 min
    1. happypeach June 30, 2023

      Cool activity! I want to try it with my students:) I was just wondering, though, about some of the answers (particularly the ones with "I"- Yes, I do; No, I can't; etc.). For example, for "Yes, I do," if the students ask "Do you like mushrooms?" and you (the ALT) don't like mushrooms, do you still give them the points since the question is grammatically correct or do they have to ask a question that you would genuinely answer with "Yes, I do?"

    2. Fernand June 30, 2023

      Great question @happypeach. I have developed a good relationship with my students, so they know my preferences (in general). If I don't really like mushrooms, I will tell them No, I don't. So they change the question. I try to have a natural conversation with them. They can either change the question or answer the JET.

    3. Fernand June 30, 2023

      When they ask me "Can you.." I also answer genuinely. If they ask me "Can you play soccer?" I always answer: "Yes, I can.", since I have 2 legs and I can run. Maybe I am not good at it, but I can. So they get the idea, and then they ask me things like: "Can you fly?". Make sense? Thank for your comment, and I hope you like it.

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