
AMONG US - What Color Do You Like

Get students to ask each other "what color do you like" and respond with "I like _____", this helps them understand the "what _____ do you like" sentence structure and also helps them remember colors!

There are spies among us!

  1. Each student will get a worksheet and a color card, everyone will first write their name next to their color on the sheet. The spies will have a red character together with a tiny character on the side, that tiny character is their "safe color" and that is the color they will use to play the first portion of the game.

For example, if the spy has a tiny grey character on the side, then they will put their name next to grey

  1. The first portion of the game is to get students to ask each other "what color do you like" and students will respond with their own color. The goal is to have a completed sheet (to find one person for each of the "missing" colors). The spy will respond using their safe colors.

Once sheet is completed:

Spy - can go to the JTE/ALT to get "SPY" on their card, they can now go back to the game to "spy" on others by replying with "I like red"* and that will immediately OUT the other players, unless....

Detective - for all the other colors, once a student has a completed sheet, they can go to the teacher/ALT to get a "DETECTIVE" on their card. They will go back to the game to investigate, detectives won't be affected by "I like red", instead, as soon as they hear the phrase they can "report" the spies to the JTE/ALT and the spy has to sit down

*Once the spy has completed their sheet, they cannot use their safe colors anymore, they MUST say "I like red". If they meet a person with an uncompleted sheet, they will be able to spy on them. If they meet a detective, they will be out.

To add more to the game:

  1. You can put all the different colors on the board (my previous ALT has already made some big color sheet with magnets, you might have to make these yourself) and the students that got spied on can go back to the game ONCE by reciting "I like ____" for all the different colors on the board. But they cannot make a mistake and have to say it in one go.

  2. I didn't do it with my class because I thought it would be too complicated. But if you are thinking of adding 1, it would be more fair to add this one to your game as well.

Once a spy has a completed sheet and can now say "I like red", they can still choose to use their safe colors ONCE with the same person. But if that person comes back to ask them again, they will have to use "I like red" to either get reported or spy on them

Small files
  • among us worksheet.docx (57.4 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • among us characters.pdf (3.01 MB)
  • among us presentation.pptx (1.92 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by unocgull September 20, 2023 Estimated time: 15min to a whole class

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