
Lucky 7

A quick warm up activity to get students up and talking. No prep needed!

This is a super flexible warm up activity. I've played it at ES and JHS. I didn't come up with this warm-up, but I couldn't find it on this site, so I wanted to share it here :) If it's already been posted then I apologize!

The game is very simple: students walk around the class and find a patner. They greet each other. Student A will then ask student B a question. For example "What animal do you like?" Student B will answer and then ask student A a question. For example "What sport do you like?" After this interaction, students A and B will count to 3. On 3 they will show a number between 1 and 6 using their fingers. 2 fingers up = 2, 3 fingers up =3, etc. If the two numbers add up to 7, then they are lucky friends! They can then find new patners to test their luck with.

Before you start make sure to demonstrate the interaction with your JTE. It's also helpful to do 1 practice round, ALT vs the class. After time is up, you can ask how many lucky friends everybody has!

The questions can be changed to focus on any grammar point, but I recommend keeping it to something you know your students will be able to say without much support.

Submitted by Alisha September 29, 2023 Estimated time: 5-10min
  1. srunyon415 October 2, 2023

    Is there anything different that happens when they are lucky friends compared to when they're not?

  2. Alisha October 3, 2023

    No, but you can ask at the end how many lucky friends everybody has and congratulate the top students! For younger learners my JTE then likes to remind them that the point is to talk to many people and she'll ask if they tried to talk to different people from usual :)

  3. Matthew October 3, 2023

    This is cool. I would do a similar game to this to practice how many, the first to call out the sum of both numbers being the winner. This is great a warm up!

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