
Mario Kart Game - Blank to Review Any Skill

This is a Mario Kart inspired game that has blank question boxes for you to personalize with any skill or review point you need!

This is a fun interactive game that is great for Elementary School and Junior High School. The questions are blank for you to add in any review points, grammar skills, or vocabulary that your JTE would like for you to review.

You can use the chalk board to draw a simple Mario Kart course. With magnets put up images of Mario Kart characters available on the slides.
Students will break into teams of three or four depending on your class size, you can adjust this as needed.
The Slides can have different questions. If they get a question right they move forward a game space on the chalk board.
After each round, the groups get to pick an item box even if they got the question wrong, different items mean different things good and bad.
First one to the finish line or whoever made it the furthest wins.

These slides are meant to be played in Fullscreen mode. Things are clickable to help you navigate from slide to slide. There are instructions on the first couple of slides to help you. Feel free to delete these later.

[Mario Kart Game Google Slides](

Submitted by lyndsiebarcus October 2, 2023 Estimated time: 15 minutes
  1. Shibby October 4, 2023

    This is great - thank you very much!

  2. larimarly October 4, 2023

    Oh, this looks like a lot of fun. Thank you!!

  3. ImaginableAudio October 19, 2023

    one of the coolest things ive seen on this website. kids love mario kart

  4. Joanne November 27, 2023

    This looks fantastic. However, I have a really stupid question. How do I get it on to Full screen mode in Google? I tried to download and save as a PPT but it said that this was not possible "repair file"

  5. lxxlxdhx December 14, 2023

    This was really amazing, and it truly got the kids engaged. I had tonnes of fun playing it with the 5th graders! :) I did change the game play a bit to encourage more participation, even from the quieter ones. Thank you so much for this!

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