
(update) Animals & habitats with Stats!!

Cards to use for students studying about animals. Junior Horizon 6th grade.

This animals and habitats are from the Junior Horizon Picture dictionary.

I print around 150 cards (I have 30 stundents in some classes)
I've made some cards rarer than others

Card Distribution:
-Distribute one animal card to each student.

Interactive Questions:
- Students mingle and ask each other:
"Where does [animal] live?"
"What does [animal] eat?"
-Replace the blanks with the animal on their card.

Comparison of Card Stats:
-After an exchange, compare the card stats.
Left number: Attack
Right number: Defense
-Compare the Attack (left number) of the card against Defense (right number) of the other.

Determining Winners:
-If Attack is higher than Defense, the higher-numbered card wins, and the winner takes the loser's card.
-If the cards would beat each other, the students exchange cards.

Getting New Cards:
- When a student runs out of cards, they can ask the ALT for a new card.

Alternative play

Students sit in groups.
-Place all habitat cards on the table.
-Deal the remaining cards to each student.
-Students take turns asking the nearest peer: "Where does [animal] live?"
-Based on the response, place the animal card in the corresponding habitat pile on the table.

karta and other games may work as well.

_Deck building and Animal duels may also be possible, but I have not tried or tested. _

::Laminating Alternative: I make cards slightly smaller than standard trading card size and then put them into clear card sleeves. Since I am a trading card collector, I recycle my old broken sleeves for this purpose.::

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • card back.docx (1.5 MB)
  • cards.docx (27.1 MB)
  • animal_cards_with_stats.docx (28.9 MB)
  • 5
    Submitted by anoldalt November 2, 2023 Estimated time:

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