
Flash & Dash: The Adjective Challenge

Sprint to match adjectives with pictures! Race against classmates, learn fast, and win the Adjective Relay!

This activity gets students moving, which helps with engagement and energy levels. It also reinforces the adjectives through repetition and the competitive element. It's structured and doesn't require creative output from the students, which suits low level English classes ideally advanced JHS or low level SHS.


-Divide the class into two groups.
-Each side receives a set of flashcards with the adjectives and nouns written on them. Place these at the FRONT of the class.
-Prepare a set of pictures that can represent the adjectives (e.g., a small and a big ball, a bright light, a dark cloth). Place these at the BACK of the class, FACE DOWN.

I've already prepared picture and adjective cards, so feel free to download and use them!

Activity Introduction (5 minutes):

-Explain the rules: one member from each side will go to the back, pick a picture, and then find the corresponding adjective card from their set at the front.
-Demonstrate with a couple of examples to ensure understanding.

Relay Race (20 minutes):

-On ‘Go’, the first student from each group rushes to the back of their side of the class, picks a face down picture, and then races to the front of their side of the class to find the corresponding adjective card.
-Once they show the correct card to the teacher, the next student goes. It's better to do a systemic order, like front left/right goes, then the one behind and so on.
-Continue until each student has had a turn. Ideally, each side will have 20 students (40 in class) If time permits, groups can go multiple rounds.

Review and Reinforcement (5 minutes):

-Not necessary but can be handy for review of your lesson.
-After the race, gather the students and review the adjectives, asking which ones were the hardest. Then go through a few pictures with the class asking them to describe the adjective and noun.

Small files
  • Adjective cards PRINT AND CUT - adjective relay.docx (14.1 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • picture cards PRINT AND CUT - adjective relay.docx (24.8 MB)
  • 8
    Submitted by morpheus December 1, 2023 Estimated time: 20-40 minutes

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