
Find the Elf (fruits & veggies version)

Original by GinaG! This version uses fruits and veggies.

First of all, here's a link to the awesome original version of this game, by GinaG:

I loved this game's design! And my 4th graders love games like this, so I wanted to make a version more geared toward what they've been learning recently. I slightly modified the colors elf powerpoint from GinaG's post, so now the tree holds the fruits and vegetables from the Let's Try 2 textbook for 4th grade. Slides alternate between the two categories. The click and reveal functions should all work exactly the same! The elf is in all the same spots as GinaG's colors version, just squished a little to fit, so if you're doing multiple, I recommend moving the slides around a bit!

Here is the process I'm using for playing the game:
I'm splitting my class into 3 teams. Points are tracked on the blackboard. Decide who goes first with janken.
For each round, the teams get time to consult and decide on their guesses (maybe 20 seconds).
Then on each turn, I'm having the whole class ask, "What do you want?"
The current team, in unison, responds with, "I want ~~~, please."
We reveal what's behind that fruit/veggie, and if it isn't the elf, the next team goes.
I'm having the gingerbread man be worth 1 point and the elf be worth 2 points, but if the elf is found first, we just move on to the next round!
Team with the most points gets a round of applause.

I hope this is useful for anyone wanting to do this activity with 4th grade!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • whereistheelffruitsveggies.pptx (4.15 MB)
  • 24
    Submitted by theredblueblonde December 8, 2023 Estimated time: 10 min
    1. GinaG December 20, 2023

      Oh I never thought to make 'Find the Character' type games into team activities, I will be doing so in the future when I need a solid time killer!

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