
Find the Box (There is ~ There are~)

JHS 1年生 One World Textbook Lesson 9-2 pp.114-155: There is ~ There are ~

Attached file includes:
Lesson Plan, Activity Worksheet, Writing Worksheet

This is an activity done by pairs, or it can also be done by groups of 4.

First, ALT and JTE to demonstrate as Student A vs. the class as Student B, then exchange roles.

  1. The class will be divided into pairs.
  2. Each student will receive a worksheet that has a 5x5 grid of boxes with different animals and fruits. The boxes are numbered from 1-25.

  3. Student B will secretly choose a box from 1-25.

  4. Student A will try to guess Student B’s box, by saying sentences about the box.

There is a (dog / panda / cat / rabbit / lion) in the box.
There are many (strawberries / grapes / oranges / watermelons / bananas) in the box.

  1. For each sentence of Student A, Student B to respond with True/False.
  2. By process of elimination, Student A to make a guess of Student B’s box from 1-25.

  3. After Student A guesses correctly, they exchange roles.

Writing Activity - print the Writing Worksheet attached, and have students write sentences about their box and their partner's box.

This is a low-level activity, you can modify it to make it more advanced.
Because the Question form of this grammar lesson was not yet introduced, the students used Declarative sentences instead of "Is there/Are there ~" questions, then their partners answered with True/False.

Submitted by connichiwow January 28, 2024 Estimated time: 25 minutes or less

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