
Sentence Unscramble 2年OneWorldLesson9-3 Let/helpme

Groups each get an envelope with nouns, verbs, etc., listen to the Japanese sentence, and form the correct English sentence using the words. (flexible, for difficult grammar lessons)

This particular file is for:
JHS 2年 One World Textbook Lesson 9-3 Let / help me (verb)...

Sentence Unscramble
1. The class will be divided into groups of 3-4.
2. Each group to receive an envelope with English words. (words are color coded: Blue for subject/object nouns, Red for verbs, Green for object)
3. The groups will listen to the Japanese sentence spoken by teacher, and find the words that match the sentence.
4. They must make an English sentence equivalent.
5. The teacher checks all groups’ answers, and gives the correct answer. Students write the correct sentence in their worksheets.
6. After each sentence, everyone practices saying the sentence in English.
7. After all the sentences are formed, written and spoken, students make their own Let and help sentences, and read it aloud in class.

Submitted by connichiwow January 29, 2024 Estimated time: 15 minutes

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