The first part of the worksheet is from Let's Watch and Think (LWT) on page 22 of the textbook. I've typed out the converations from the video and omited the vowels of certain words. As the students watch and think, they must also listen and find the answers.
For example, 1) p_l_c_e -> in the books first video it shows a police box. They also spell out the word p-o-l-i-c-e. This activity pairs well with Page 24 - LL (Let's Listen).
The second part of the page is a script for Activity 1 on page 25 -> (what is my sign?). Using this script students can practice even if they forget.
On the backside, is the color Activity 2 -> (what is my favorite color?). In the textbook there is only one box so students have to constantly erase. The worksheet was made with letting the students talk to more than one student and not erasing their answers.
My recommendation for how I taught my lesson is
1) LWT - worksheet (10 minutes)/ check answers and have students read out the letters / how to say the word
2) LL (p.24) - (5 minutes)/ check answers
3) Activity 1 - Script - (15 min)/ practicing script / demo / letting students talk
Then the next class;
1) Review previous class (5 minutes)
2) Warm up - (5 minutes)
3) Practice colors again - have students read the colors (5 minutes)
4) Review script ( 5 minutes) / demo
5) Have students talk to 6 - 7 students (10 minutes)
6) Demo - students come up and present (5 - 10 minutes)
The times aren't completely accurate (estimates). I do a phonics/ alphabet warm up with my students before they start the Let's Try! 2 textbook, which also takes some time.