Let's Try 2 page 22

Alphabet (Lowercase)

Linked Activities

  • Halloween Alphabet Matching

    A short lower/uppercase matching worksheet I made (halloween themed)

  • Alphabet Writing Practice

    writing practice worksheets I made

  • Alphabet Matching Game (Uppercase/Lowercase)

    (LT2, Unit 6) A PowerPoint game to review uppercase and lowercase letters!

  • Let's Try 2 Unit 6 Logo Quiz

    A logo quiz to practice the letters of the alphabet

  • Alphabet Guessing Game Powerpoint

    Letters are divided into four pieces, each click reveals a piece. Students can guess which letter it is, but there are false friends (Like G and O). The actual letter is in the comments.

  • Alphabet Coloring Game (Worksheet)

    (LT1 or 2 Unit 6) Students practice their letter recognition with a simple coloring game!

  • Guess the Alphabet

    Alphabets overlapped with each other and students guess what the alphabets are

  • Let's Try! 2 Unit 6 pg 22-25

    A worksheet based off the materials in the Let's Try! 2 textbook for the 4th grade.

  • ✍️ ABC Quiz

    ELEM/JHS quiz on common writing mistakes

  • Let's Try 2 Kahoot Reviews (termly)

    Review Kahoots for the different units studied in the 4th grade each term.

  • Halloween Alphabet Pyramid

    2 Versions: Capital Letters and Small Letters Versions

  • Alphabet Telephone Game

    A telephone-style game for 3rd and 4th grade where students write letters on each other's backs to practice letter shape.

  • "It's spelled..." Alphabet PowerPoint game

    A short spelling Powerpoint game that puts a small twist to hangman. Students practice basic spelling of some popular character's names and words using phonics. Intended for Let's Try 1 Unit 5.

  • Mario M and N phonics game

    This is a Mario themed phonics game to practice the difference between M and N. I made this for my 3rd grade Elementary school class, however this can be used for early JHS level.

  • Mario L and R phonics game

    Mario themed phonics game to practice the difference between L and R. I made this for my 3rd grade Elementary school class, however this can be used for early JHS level

  • Shark Attack: Guess the Word!

    Hangman game variation about colors, ONLINE usage makes it great to use with the denshikokuban.

  • Alphabet: Small/Lowercase Letters 小文字 Collection

    for ES 4年 Let's Try Unit 6, Suggested Activities for practicing Sequence of Letters/Singing ABC Song, practicing Shape or Writing of Letters, Letter Recognition (Listening and Speaking)

  • ABC Race! Online Game

    How fast can you click/touch the letters in order from A to Z?

  • Let's Try! 2 - Unit 6 Activities and powerpoints

    Digital materials and printouts for Unit 6 - Alphabet from start to finish.

  • Small Letters, Hangman (&Shark) Game variation

    A twist on the classic hangman game, Plastic Menace challenges players to guess the word while battling a tide of plastic pollution. With each incorrect guess, the plastic debris field advances...

  • Flying abc's (Scratch game)

    A fun game for students to play on their own to practice lowercase letters of the alphabet

  • Count to 20 (Alphabet Version)

    Basically the count to 20 game but with the alphabet

  • 🏷️ Name Lanyard Template for Elementary School

    Elementary name tags to help with spelling their names (and reminding yourself of students/HRTs names)


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