

Uses of gerunds

This is more suitable for students who have already studied the continuous tenses because it will be easier to convert a verb to the '-ing' form.
If there are any mistakes, please feel free to correct them.

POWERPOINT PRESENTATION (please get familiar with the slides and feel free to alter it to your taste.)
Slides 1 & 2: Introduction to ther term 'Gerund'
Slide 3: Common verbs
Slide 4: Page 1 of Worksheet. Exercise #1.Hand out worksheet and allow students to identify verbs. Let them feel free to shade or color the balloons.
Slides 5-16: How to convert verbs to the gerund ('-ing form). Allow students to guess and spell the gerund before revealing it.
Slides 17-21: Uses of gerunds
Slide 22: Page 1, exercise #2, converting verbs to the '-ing' form. Allow students to complete the exercise before revealing the answers.
Slide 23: Page 2, exercise #3,Crossword puzzle. Find the hidden word. Again, Allow students to complete the exercise before revealing the answers.
Slide 24: Summary

Page 1: Exercise #1 Popping Verbs. See slide 4 above.
Exercise #2 Converting verbs to the '-ing form'. See slide 22 above.
Page 2: '-ING' form Crossword Puzzle. Find the hidden word. See slide 23 above.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • gerund.pptx (1.98 MB)
  • VerbtoGerundWorksheet.docx (1.04 MB)
  • 11
    Submitted by klstoujour May 27, 2024 Estimated time: 30 min.

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