
Birthday Lineup

Students line themselves up in order of birthdays based on their character

Students will each get a character card and they have to line themselves up in order of birthdays (January to December). I made this specifically to use during Unit 2 of the Blue Sky textbook, but you can honestly use it for any unit with birthdays. It could also be used as a warmup activity.

The birthdays should be accurate for the characters :)

Also, challenge your students! Have them only use English if they can, and they can practice target language, such as "When is your birthday?" and "My birthday is ___."

Once everyone was lined up I went through and asked each student when their birthday was to see if the line was correct. They did perfect!

Afterwards, if students don't already know who everyone is, you can have students ask each other "What do you want for your birthday?" and they can try and guess who the other is based on what the character would want. (This might be challenging, especially for character like Dr. Stone.)

Google Docs Link for the Card Prints:

Submitted by rileyrj42 May 28, 2024 Estimated time: 5-10 mins

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