
ABC Quiz

ELEM/JHS quiz on common writing mistakes

My elementary schoolers (5/6th graders) are doing well-ish at following along with book activities, but when it comes to writing, I'm noticing some patterns that I want to try to iron out. This activity is aimed at targeting letters that kids are struggling with.

I don't want the kids to write like robots, but I want them to be able to distinguish between "YaMaMoto" and "Yamamoto".

-Open PPTX and go over basic writing rules for the alphabet.
-Show the examples of letters often written incorrectly.
-At the quiz section, explain that they need to find the word written correctly. They should also "X" out letters on the wrong answers.
-Hand out the worksheet. They can work alone or with a partner. This shouldn't take too long.
-Go over the answers when everyone is finished. Be sure to ask them to explain (in Japanese is fine) why one answer is right and the other(s) is wrong.
-Last, have the kids write their name on the other side of the paper. Have the kids come to you to check their name when they finish.

PowerPoint explaining common mistakes and showing answers of quiz.
ABC Quiz Worksheet (A4, double sided print)
(optional) Aa Bb Cc mini posters (A3) to hang in your English Room (I cut in half and then laminate).

2024/06/11 - I noticed some animation errors in the PPT and updated.

In class I remembered some other writing examples that I wrote on the board:
"Tahaka" is not the same as "Tanaka",
"ToKyo" is not the same as "Tokyo"
"YaMada" is not the same as "Yamada"
Some kids said they couldn't remember the difference between "b" and "d". So I wrote "bed" on the board and drew a stick figure sleeping on it . That helped!

If you are wanting to make this a full 45 min class, I will include the 5th grade capital/lowercase letter writing practice pages you can print out and have the kids fill out after the quiz.

  1. apantalena June 7, 2024

    Fantastic worksheet! Thank you.
    Do you have this worksheet in word format for editing? (HT didn't like the font used for capital Y)

  2. Archer23 June 7, 2024

    Thank you so much. It's amazing.

  3. CarpenterBee June 7, 2024

    Actually this link might work better?

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