
September 2024 calendar

English board calendar

I have removed the canva link as someone deleted my work. I have added a photo. I`m sorry for the trouble.

Please note my calendar also includes Indian days.

2 - World Coconut Day
5 - Teacher`s day (India)
7 - Ganesh festival (India)
8 - International Literacy day
9 - Himalaya day (India)
14 - Onam (India)
16 - Respect for the aged day (Japan)
18 - World Bamboo day
20 - World cleanup day
21 - International day of peace
22 - Autumnal Equinox day
23 - Equinox day holiday (Japan)
24 - World river day
26 - world maritime day
27 - world tourism day
29 - world heart day
30 - international translation day

Submitted by Yanaa July 10, 2024 Estimated time:
  1. nisaa1234 July 11, 2024

    Could you share a PDF file so it would be easier to print directly? Thanks a lot.

  2. Minet Minutes July 16, 2024

    August 2024 calendar please.Thank you!

  3. Yanaa July 16, 2024

    You can directly just download from canva as pdf

  4. msbanana July 19, 2024

    Really looks great! Is it possible for you to share a pdf file here as well? Thank you!

  5. MRDaniels1980 July 23, 2024

    Great work! I also agree, please make a pdf of the calendar so people can print it easily. I saw how to download it, but it's not easily found and many people might start selecting the wrong things. I like what you did, however! Please make the pdf so people can use this easily.

  6. Driedgrapes August 28, 2024

    I think its the wrong link for the calender

  7. Yanaa September 12, 2024

    Hello  I am sorry I have just attached a photo, I lost my old photo of the calendar as well and someone deleted and used my canva link for their purpose. I sincerely request people to not delete someone`s work and learn how canva works before using it.

  8. CarpenterBee September 12, 2024

    Hey Yanaa~ Thank you for your calendar! For the future, to avoid people from messing with your document, there is actually a way to do it:
    Canva - (Your document) - Share - Public View Link

    If you want to post something that CAN be edited, but you don't want your copy edited:
    Canva - (Your document) - Share - "See all" - Template Link

    It took another kind user on here to teach me that~

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