
DnD: the Search for the Missing Teacher!

A short(ish) Dungeons and Dragons campaign in which the students fight monsters and talk to other characters to find their missing teacher.

I reuploaded the PowerPoint with more slides explaining how to use the different parts of the worksheet, and I also reuploaded the word document with the character tokens, because I designed my own characters. I didn't design the monster pictures though, those are the same... we'll see if I decide to draw those!

A Dungeons and Dragons campaign! I haven't tested it in a class yet (I was thinking this would be a good end-of-year activity for your JHS 3rd graders) but I'm doing a different campaign with my special needs 3rd graders, and they're liking it so far. If you haven't played DnD this activity might be difficult, because you need a base understanding of the DnD fighting system (rolling for initiative, successful attack, damage) and the roleplaying features (when to roll perception check, etc.). But there are lots of resources for DnD online you can check out for how to DM!

The story outline provided is very simple; it's on you as the DM to flesh out the dialogue and the story depending on your class.
I made 6 different character sheets with their stats, weapons, and abilities already decided. I made a VERY simplified character sheet (a very VERY trimmed-down 5e character sheet). My thinking was you would divide the class into 6 groups, and one group controls one character.
This activity doesn't focus on a particular form of grammar; the goal is to get them speaking in English and understanding your story. You know your students, so you can choose how much Japanese you let the students use.

Things provided:
Base Story
I made an interactive PowerPoint to go along with the campaign. There are links on the pages that will take you to different pages, clicking on the monsters will make them disappear, things like that. It's so the students can visualize the locations and such.
Map Pages
This is a Word document with the different locations that you can print poster-sized and put on the blackboard. I don't know how to make things move around freely on PPT, so the map on the board was my solution for that. You can choose which map pages you want to use.
Character Sheets
Character Pictures and monster tokens
This is a Word document with the character pictures and smaller sized "tokens" that can be cut up and placed on the maps on the blackboard. I can't draw, so I used pictures that I found online. For each character, there is a male/female version the students can choose. The gender doesn't affect the stats in any way.
Monster Stats
This is a Word document with the stats of the different enemies you may encounter.
HP Tracker
This is a Word document that breaks down the enemies in each section and their HP, so you can keep track of the hit points easily.
Cave Treasure Info
This is a Word document with information about 6 treasures the students can find in a cave. After the students find the treasures, you can give them the card with the treasure information.

Things you need to buy:
Dice. Not just D6, but the range from D4 to D20. You need at least 7 sets (one set per group, and one set for you). I'm pretty sure I saw some at a Seria or Daiso before.

Have fun! I'm going to try it out with an After School club that I teach, and then later in the year when the 3rd graders have finished the textbook try it with them. I might futz around with the PPT some more too (maybe add how to battle slides), and if I do I will update it. Note (I did end up messing with the PPT, I found a missing hyperlink on the original an since I was going to have switch it anyway, I added to practice battle slides.) If anyone tries it let me know!

Small files
  • monster stats.docx (666 KB)
  • monster hp tracker.docx (621 KB)
  • Dungeons and Dragons base story.docx (19.6 KB)
  • cave treasure item information.docx (352 KB)
  • DnD ESL character sheets all together.docx (399 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • DnD map pages.docx (2.1 MB)
  • dnd character pictures and monster tokens original characters.docx (1.47 MB)
  • The Search for the Missing Teacher! DND ppt.pptx (12.3 MB)
  • 46
    Submitted by AariCynward August 21, 2024 Estimated time: probably at least 2 full class periods
    1. vexacat August 22, 2024

      I also love D&D and integrate it into my lessons!

    2. altamaklee August 22, 2024

      This is such a creative idea, I'm sure your students are having such a fun time learning English with this game!!

    3. Umakara August 26, 2024

      Your teacher is missing, and you have to find them!

      So it's like a real-life role-playing activity for me!!

    4. ashizurimisakimajo August 27, 2024

      Love this! Going to give it a shot!

    5. Gaijingaiden August 27, 2024

      I love D&D, so this is great.

      There are a few free adventures out there that a good to use for stuff like this: is one of them.

      I used the adventure "Heroes of Hesiod" with some students once and we had a great time.

    6. ApplesoverKiwi September 4, 2024

      Wow many thanks for this!

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