
Character Card Janken Game

This is a fun janken game for JHS New Horizons 1 Unit 6 p.59/60 - Plural Verbs (He/She likes & He/She doesn't like)

Students introduce their character cards to eachother, and play janken to collect as many cards as they can.

Set Up:
Print enough of the 'blank' cards so that each student has 3 cards each.
Print one set of either the +ve or -ve 'filled' cards - depending on which gramar point you are doing (p.59 or p.60)

Give the students 3 character cards each.
Get them to write one sentence for each character. I usually tell them to look at p.154 in their textbooks, there's a lot of useful vocabulary there.
Depending on how creative/confident your students are, this takes about 10-15 minutes.
Then demonstrate the game with your JTE:
Students walk around greet eachother, then intrduce their character.
A) "Hello!"
B) "Hello!"
A) "This is Lammy. She plays the guitar."
B) "This is Remi. He likes math."
Then, students play janken. The winner takes the card from the loser.
The goal is to win as many cards as they can!
Leave some time at the end to see how many cards they have. Sudents with the most are the winners and get to choose a sticker.

((For formatting, I use: 'Antique Olive Compact' or 'Segoe UI Black' for titles, and 'UD デジタル UK-R' for body text.))

Small files
  • U6 p.59 Janken Character cards BLANK PDF.pdf (496 KB)
  • U6 p.59 Janken Character cards FILLED PDF.pdf (501 KB)
  • U6 p.59 Janken Character cards FILLED -ve PDF.pdf (508 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • U6 p.59 Janken Character cards BLANK.docx (1.42 MB)
  • U6 p.59 Janken Character cards FILLED -ve.docx (1.42 MB)
  • U6 p.59 Janken Character cards FILLED.docx (1.42 MB)
  • 21
    Submitted by lianneinjapan September 3, 2024 Estimated time: 25 minutes
    1. snikkats1 September 27, 2024

      Very helpful, thank you for sharing.

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