
Can Can't Battleship Game (Grade 5)PPT

A fun game to help students to practice "can can't" Q and A.

First, send the file to all students.
The file will automatically open when the students click on it.

On the bottom of the screen there are many circles from 1 to 12.
Those circles represents the location of the battleship.

First, choose a battleship location. (For ex: If you choose location 1, you will click on the circle number 1. After clicking on the circle you will notice that all the circles will disappear. That means you've placed your battleship in location number 1). The battleship will be hidden behind the pictures.
Don't let your partner see which location you are choosing.

After that you will play rock, paper, scissors to decide who will start the game.
The rock, paper, scissors' winner begin the game by ask questions like;

Student A: Can you "sing well"?
Student B: (Will click on "sing well"; If a part of his or her battleship is revealed, he or she will answer " Yes, I can") That means you were hit.
But if you click on it and no parts of your battleship is reavealed, you will say; "No, I can't. That means you weren't hit.

Take turns until one student is hit twice. That means game over.
Reset the board by closing it (by pressing "ESC") and opening it again and choosing a different location for the battleship.
Start over and have fun while learning.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Can Can't battleship Show.ppsx (2.03 MB)
  • 12
    Submitted by Aurelio Mizukami September 3, 2024 Estimated time: 20 to 30 min.
    1. Archer23 September 19, 2024

      I love it. I may need to figure out how to send it to them. Thank you again.

    2. Aurelio Mizukami September 20, 2024

      @Archer23 I'm glad you liked it. What you could do is to send the file using Microsoft Teams. Depending on your schools' file sharing systems you might have other options to share it as well, but Teams could be one of the easiest way.

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