hey everyone!
my JTE asked me to help our 1st year students improve their writing before our big prefecture test, so I made this booklet on CANVA to aid them in their writing. They wrote and did as much as they could in class and anything they had leftover was homework.
Feel free to download and use this for your ES or JHS students.
Side note, I added all of my students name individually (which you can do on CANVA). But if you don't want to do that or you simply have too many students, feel free to omit that!
Canva Link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGSZk-8fFo/NIV21Pt9txlaXBVLV23GLA/edit?utm_content=DAGSZk-8fFo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebuttonhttps://www.canva.com/design/DAGSZk-8fFo/NIV21Pt9txlaXBVLV23GLA/edit?utm_content=DAGSZk-8fFo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THE BOOKLET!!!! Don't request access!
Hey, this looks so good! Do you have the Canva link to make it editable at all? Thank you :)
I love it! I would suggest that TV be in capital letters and not in lowercase as it is an acronym. Is it possible to get the link to Canva and to make it editable for us?
PS: make an extra copy for yourself because a lot of people on here change the original document on Canva, instead of making their own copies.
Love this, can I get a CANVA template for this, I want to repurpose this based on classes I teach, thanks!
Popping in to say I'd also love a Canva template, been wanting to get my 6th graders more prepared for JHS!
the canva link has been uploaded!!!! sorry!
This is a very nice English booklet!