
Tasty Treat Cafe

This is an immersion activity for JHS New Horizons 1 Unit 7 p.70 - 'which'

Students to practice 'which' in a loosely real world context.

Set up:
Print the menus, worksheets and food cards.
Cut the menus in half (laminating optional).
Cut up the food cards - there is 25 of each food item, but you should print enough so that there is one per student (if they so wish).

Show the PPT.
Put the students into pairs.
Give each student a worksheet, and each pair a menu.
Put the food cards in a box at the front of the classroom.
Welcome the students to Tasty Treat Café!
Students will take it in turns to play a waiter and take their partner's order by following the dialogue:
"Which do you want, pizza or katsu curry?"
- "I want pizza."
The waiter must write down the order.
Once they have the order, they need to memorize it and go and get the food!
Students will come to the front to find their order.
You can ask "What do you want?"
They must say: "I want...." and you give them the food cards that they ask for.
They return to their customer once they have the food.
If it is correct, the waiter can glue the food cards next to the receipt.
Then, swap roles and repeat.
When they are finished, mix up the groups and start again with new customers and waiters.

If they finish early, you can get students to write practice sentences about their customers in their notebooks.
- 'Yoshi wants pizza.'
- 'Hana wants melon soda.'

The map on the menu shows the area of my school in Sapporo, there is a doc version if you wish to change it.

((For formatting, I use: 'Antique Olive Compact' or 'Segoe UI Black' for titles, and 'UD デジタル UK-R' for body text.))

Small files
  • U7 p.70 Tasty Treat Cafe food cards PDF.pdf (125 KB)
  • U7 p.70 Tasty Treat Cafe menu PDF.pdf (260 KB)
  • U7 p.70 Tasty Treat Cafe WORKSHEET PDF.pdf (123 KB)
  • U7 p.70 Tasty Treat Cafe WORKSHEET.docx (45.9 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • U7 p.70 Tasty Treat Cafe menu.docx (1.68 MB)
  • U7 p.70 Tasty Treat Cafe PPT Visual.pptx (3.14 MB)
  • 4
    Submitted by lianneinjapan October 17, 2024 Estimated time: 20 - 25 minutes

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