
Go Fish! Many Versions

Go Fish! But the students practice using English words

So I made several versions of go fish. The kids really love go fish. It takes a decent amount of prep but once you're finished you have an excellent game that students will love! I often pair go fish with the spelling race game or spaceman (Hangman but with a more appropriate name). I recommend laminating these sheets on top of colored paper even though this means you will probably need to tape the edges because it's a bit see through. But I think this is really fun! Most of my students had never even heard of go fish so they found it very fun to play, and it really got them to practice listening to and speaking english with each other in a fun way!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Go Fish_ Minecraft.docx (2.34 MB)
  • Different versionof Go Fish_ Objects_animals (instructions) (1).docx (4.27 MB)
  • Go Fish_ prepositional phrases (instructions) (1).docx (3.65 MB)
  • _Go Fish_ Everyday Expressions.docx (3.53 MB)
  • 4
    Submitted by Katiedid38 October 23, 2024 Estimated time: 20 minutes- whole class time if you want it to be

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