
Thanksgiving Logic Puzzle

Students must complete a logic puzzle using English clues. They must find out what four people did on Thanksgiving, what dish each person made, and each person's favorite pie.

EDIT: The worksheet now has the answers on page 2!

This is a logic puzzle I made for Thanksgiving. It does have some trickier grammar/words so I'd recommend using this with high schoolers, preferably second year and up. This is a good way to fill a class you don't have plans for. Most of them probably won't know what cranberry sauce, pecan pie, or French silk pie is, so it's best to show them some pictures of those foods beforehand.

To prepare, print and cut the clues into strips. Separate the turkeys from the pies.

To start the activity, have the students get into pairs and put their desks together (facing each other).

Give each pair of students one stack of turkey clues and one stack of pie clues. (There should be five turkeys and four pies to each pair). Do NOT let them show each other the clues.

Give each pair one of the Thanksgiving Day logic sheet worksheets. They will write their answers on the same sheet.

Taking turns, each person must read their clues to their partner in English and discuss what they think it means. If possible, the students should only speak in English during this activity. They can use dictionaries to help them, but I didn't allow them to use Chromebooks/laptops.

I reveal the answers during the last 5-10 minutes of class by calling on pairs to fill in the blanks.

This is a higher level activity, at least among my kids, so your students will likely need plenty of help!

I hope it goes well for you!

Submitted by SamIAmTrying November 18, 2024 Estimated time: 20-30 minutes
  1. jeninjapan November 20, 2024

    I think I solved the puzzle, but to be sure, could you edit the worksheet doc to include the answers as well please? Thank you in advance!

  2. SamIAmTrying November 20, 2024

    @jeninjapan So sorry, totally forgot to add them! I've just updated the worksheet so the answers should be on page 2!

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