
Remember the Night before Christmas

This is a memory game

This is a memory game for the students. The aim is show (click the squares) the students the all the words (be sure to review the pronunciations). After give them about 3 mins to memorize all the words. Then close all the squares (click to the next slide) and give all students 2 mins write all the words from memory. Then check...Studenst that have all correct can get Christmas stickers

For the second round I give the students a shorter time to writhe all the words.

PS This ppt idea was shared with me so I wanted to pass it on. This can also be done in pairs/ groups for low level students

Small files
  • Y2-00 Remember the Night before Christmas.docx (199 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Y2-00 The Night before Christmas (Memory Game).pptx (3.8 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by Driedgrapes November 19, 2024 Estimated time:

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