
PANTS Game - Subjunctive Mood

This is a creative writing activity for JHS New Horizons 3 Unit 6 p.97, Key Sentence 21 - 仮定法 ( if + 主語 + 動詞の過去形 )

To write creative sentences using word prompts from a random letter generator.

Set up:
Open the letter wheel:
You can use all the alphabets, or do a custom input to only use the easy letters.
Print 1 worsheet per student.

Put students into small groups of about 4. They will play against their group members.
Draw the grid on the board (same as worksheet), and check the meaning of each category.
Open the letter wheel.
Explain that a random letter is chosen and they have to think of a place, animal, name, and thing that start with that letter. They will have 1 minute.
Do an example with your JTE.
Then, check your answers.
If you have the same word for a category, you both get 0pts.
If you have different words for a category, you both get 2pts.
Students will check amongst their groups.
Next, you have to use your PANTS words to write a sentence. They will have 2 minutes.
Do an example with your JTE.
e.g. [letter 'T'] - Tokyo, tiger, Tina, table
- 'If Tina lived in Tokyo, she would buy a tiger.'
Get the students to vote on which sentence they think is the best between you and your JTE.
In their groups, they would each read out their sentence and then vote for the best in the group.
The best sentence gets 2pts.
Total their points, the hightest in each group is the winner!
If you have time, you could do a battle of the champions and put the winners head to head to find the class champ!

Timing reference: I played this with my class, we only had 25 minutes, with the explanation we managed 2 or 3 letters.

((For formatting, I use: 'Antique Olive Compact' or 'Segoe UI Black' for titles, and 'UD デジタル UK-R' for body text.))

Submitted by lianneinjapan November 25, 2024 Estimated time: 45 minutes
Inspired by PANTS GAME
  1. maine_14 November 26, 2024


  2. kristineintokyo23 November 29, 2024

    I remember playing this when I was younger! Thanks for sharing!

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