

versatile and fun game

Divide the students into small groups of 3-6 members.

The JTE will choose a letter from the alphabet and announce it to the class.

Set a timer for 2 minutes.

Each group must think of:

Place: A place starting with the chosen letter.
Animal: An animal starting with the chosen letter.
Name: A person’s name starting with the chosen letter.
Thing: An object starting with the chosen letter.

For example: M

Mexico, monkey, Maria, money

Groups write down their answers.
When the timer goes off, ask each group to share their answers aloud. This allows other groups to know if they have the same answers.

Award 2 points for each unique answer that no other group has.
Award 1 point if the answer is the same as another group's answer.

The group with the most points at the end of several rounds wins!

After the activity, have the students create sentences using their answers based on the grammar they are currently studying.
For example:
"are there/is there"
Or you can encourage students to make a short story incorporating their words and sentences for additional practice!

If you're from the Philippines, I know you're familiar with this game. After playing, let me know what grammar points you used when playing 'PANTS'!

Small files
  • PANTS.pdf (52.8 KB)
  • 18
    Submitted by Kirstine Ann October 24, 2024 Estimated time: 30-40 minutes
    1. K sensei October 24, 2024

      Awesome! We play this game in South Africa as well, However, I think we call it General Knowledge

    2. Miki248 October 25, 2024

      Thank you for this! Could you please provide word document file for this as I wish to edit few things for my school`s level?

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