Students choose between three options to answer questions about travel.
Depending on what they choose, they will receive different points ( +1, +2, or -1).
Set up:
Print 1 worksheet per student.
Use the 'How To Play?' and practice question slides to explain how to play.
Students have to choose between three options to answer a question. Depending on what they choose, they will receive different points ( +1, +2, or -1).
They should write their answer on the worksheet and keep track of their points.
Usually get the students to chant the question as it appears on the PPT.
Discussion time / deciding time about 1 min per question, or as long as you like.
Check how many points at the end and award stickers to the highest points.
((For formatting, I use: 'Antique Olive Compact' or 'Segoe UI Black' for titles, and 'UD デジタル UK-R' for body text.))
Hello, is there anyway I could get a google drive link of the PPT?
Sorry, I made it on PowerPoint and I can't access Drive at my school.