
World Tour Game

Students practice the phrases "Where do you want to go?" and "I want to go to ~" in an exciting dice rolling game.

Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by David Cummings on Dec 7, 2012.


  1. Teach the phrases "Where do you want to go? I want to go to ~." I teach them as a song with the same melody as the old playground taunt "you ca-an't catch me." Also make sure to teach the flags and country names.
  2. Make groups of 4-6 students.
  3. Each student puts a marker on Japan.
  4. Students janken to determine who goes first.
  5. The rest of the group asks, "Where do you want to go?"
  6. The player says "I want to go to ____" and rolls the die.
  7. If the die roll is greater or equal to the country's distance, they can go. For example, Egypt is 3 spaces away from Japan, so the student must roll 3, 4, 5 or 6 to go to Egypt. If the die roll is too low, they cannot go.
  8. Repeat steps 5-7 for the next player.
  9. Each time a player passes through Japan, he or she gets 1 point.
  10. Whoever circles the globe the most within the time limit wins.


  • This activity was designed for Hi, Friends but can also be used for JHS to review the "I want to" grammar point. (As a side note, can you figure out the best way to play this game? If you're brave and have smart students, you can ask them this question and teach a bit of probability.)


  • Kids figure out the rules pretty quickly so don't worry too much if they don't seem to be listening very carefully during the game explanation. Usually enough kids get it to explain the activity to the slower ones. As usual, walk around during the activity and make sure each group is using the target English. Tell them that they can't go to a country if they don't say "I want to go to _" in English, but they can ask their friends to help them if they forget a country's name.
Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • ES_EigoNoto_Game_WorldTourGame.png (2.38 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by Englipedia Archive November 18, 2019 Estimated time: 15-30 min
    1. MrBigKid June 26, 2020

      I used this game to replace Junior Sunshine 6 Lesson 3's interview-bingo activity in a tiny class and I thought it was great. I repurposed the 3x3 bingo sheet as a secondary mechanic: If you land on a country in your grid, mark it; each bingo is an additional point.

      The bingo part will probably dominate the scores unless you play for tons of rounds, but I think the option adds a nice bit of depth to students' choices.

    2. fukutanisan May 12, 2022

      Just a pet peeve that "America" is the entire continent. Sure while it's true that the full name is "United States of America", just saying "United States" or "the US" is more than enough, "Of America" should officially be removed from the name. Should we rename Spain as "United Provinces of Europe"? Same logic.

      Just needed to vent somewhere. lol

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