

Students speak in the activity.

  • Hungry Hungry Hippo

    Students play a fun card game while practicing "Would you like some ~?".

  • Neighborhood Race

    Blindfolded kids are guided by their teammates through a map to find a place. This game uses the directions: right, left, up, down, back and stop.

  • What Is Yoda Doing?

    An information gap activity which can be played in pairs or a class where students find out what various characters are doing.

  • Doctor Dodgeball

    Students play Japanese dodgeball in a civil manner by destroying each other with polite words.

  • $1,000,000 Vacation

    Students plan how they will spend $1,000,000 by writing future tense sentences.

  • Bridge

    Students try to race across the Vocab Bridge to the opponent’s side. This game is also known as "Snake Line" or "Janken Line".

  • Search The Textbook

    This is a review game for New Horizon 2's textbook. Students are given questions and they must find the answers in their textbooks

  • Will You Phone Convo

    Students write sentences and plug them into the phone conversation dialog.

  • Go Fish

    Students walk around playing Janken and asking for target vocabulary cards.

  • Sentence Making Relay

    Students try to make passive sentences from sheets over paper located on the walls of the classroom.

  • Spontaneous Interviews

    Students aim to complete the interview task using the grammar point.

  • Characters Calling

    This activity is to help students get familiar with speaking on the phone and inviting their friends out.

  • Janken Gestures

    Students play rock-paper-scissors and practice the Classroom English vocabulary. This activity works best with Total English but fits with most textbooks.

  • Where Again

    Good and easy speaking practice idea for students to work together to find out the locations of the items in their school.

  • Do you like baseball?

    Students ask questions to each other; they don't want 'Yes' answers.

  • Who's This Woman?

    Students create names for characters on the worksheet and then ask classmates, 'Who's this ~?' Then, students practice writing questions and answers.

  • Crazy Diary Entry

    A writing activity that lets students make a crazy diary entry. Student then read their diary entry to the class for lots of fun.

  • But Not Okinawa

    Students test their knowledge of Japan's prefectures, minus Okinawa, and then practice asking about the location of the prefectures they don't know.

  • Rescue 119

    Students help rescue plane crash victims by locating them in a classroom and then writing a report to submit to the rescue authorities.

  • May I / Could you: activity worksheet

    2 part worksheet for p28-29 of New Horizon 2.

  • PPP

    This activity practices Past Progressive Pair work (was/were + verb'ing').

  • When Do You Have Plans?

    Students invite each other to do things and write about their friends' plans in this speaking, listening, and writing activity.

  • Alphabet Shopping

    This is a shopping game using uppercase letters, the aim of which is to have children familiarise themselves with the letters in a non-patterned way.

  • Slap My Hand

    Students practice saying the months or days while trying to stay in the game.

  • Are You? Guessing Game

    Guessing game where students will ask the questions and try to discover which character their partner has chosen.

  • Week Time Race

    Each student in turn says one day of the week in order. The class races to beat their time.

  • Do You Have A Larger One?

    Simple pair worksheet for shopping and using comparatives.

  • Printable playing cards

    If you don't want to spend money on a bunch of card decks, print these out instead!

  • This/That Animal

    This is a speaking activity for the introduction and/or practice of the target sentence: "This/That is..."

  • Sum Of 21

    Students practice counting from 1-20 with a deck of cards.

  • Guess Who

    Use prints of the fun board game "Guess Who" to practice the expressions, "Do you have ~?" and "Are you ~?"

  • Have you ____ today? Present Perfect guessing

    Students practice the present perfect with words like "already," "just," and "not yet" through a character guessing game.

  • Who am I? Quiz

    A three-hint-quiz type of game where students have to guess the character being described. Perfect activity for We Can! 2 Unit 3 "He is Famous. She is great."

  • Zombies

    Students become zombies to practice "I like ___.", "I like ___ too" and/or "I don't like ___.

  • Calendar Tic-Tac-Toe

    This game gets students to practice "It will be (sunny) on (July eighth).

  • Guess the Teacher - Pronouns

    Students practice the pronouns "he" and "she" by quizzing their classmates about teachers at their school.

  • What's In The Bag

    Students ask yes/no questions about something hidden in a bag until they guess it.

  • Did The ALT...?

    Students ask the ALT questions using 'did' questions: "Did you eat breakfast yesterday?" Points are recieved for 'yes' responses.

  • I Have Never

    Students play "Never Have I Ever" in lunch groups, then write about what they learned about their classmates.

  • Monster Market

    Students shop for monsters in this take of the classic shopping dialogue.

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