Doctor Roleplay (How long have you...?)
Situation: You are in another country and you are sick. Students will learn useful phrases for the doctor roleplay while practicing "How long have you...?" grammar point.
I think (that)... Guessing Game
A powerpoint presentation with questions for students to guess!
Let's Talk! (Speaking Challenge)
A sheet with English questions & answers (+a bonus sheet) which can be handed out and used as a speaking warm-up for the beginning of each class.
Yet, Already, Just Game
A game where the sudents roll dice and flip coins and make sentences using "yet," "already," and "just."
MadLibs (present perfect/continuous)
Fun MadLibs group activity which uses present perfect sentences (including "yet" "just" "since" "for")
MadLibs ("when" conjunction)
Fun MadLibs group activity which uses several "when" sentences.
Envelope Game (3年 Unit 1; Unit 2 Review)
A fun team activity which requires arranging sentences (cut-up in envelopes) in the correct order before the other teams.
If you... Game
An action game to help students understand conditional "If" sentences while having fun!
We Call It... Guessing Game
A game for students to guess the character/movie/game names in English using "People call it/We call it". Comes with a worksheet.
Is that a...?/What's this? Card Game
Is that...? GOFISH + What's this...? MEMORY
Fortune Teller Activity
Fortune cards, worksheet, and powerpoint for "I am going to" or "I will" grammar points.
6年 Hangman & What Am I? Game for final class
Simple games using vocab from the 3rd semester as a final activity for class.