Mario Mystery at the Mansion: Who Took Peach?!
Students work in groups to solve the mystery - a game I play at the end of the year with my JHS 1st graders or as a welcome back to English class when they come back in April as 2nd graders!
小3年 In the Autumn Forest Picture Book
Full Book from Let's Try! 3
'Whose, Mine, Yours' Halloween Activities
A cute Halloween themed PowerPoint with a quiz, animated story, and activity to practice possessives.
Make a Monster Plural - Halloween Theme
Yet another Make a Monster activity to practice plural nouns. But with easy to understand PowerPoint instructions!
Mario's Clue! - Hangman Alternative
Guess the right letters or the Piranha Plant'll gethcha! A Mario themed Hangman Alternative.
Christmas in the Park
A flexible busy scene poster. Play karuta, use with a worksheet, etc.
Relative Pronoun Quiz (Card Game)
These are small quizzes THAT students will make
English Texting Slang
Short presentation and quiz to introduce some text slang acronys like lol, jk, btw
Schedule BINGO
Students make a class schedule and listen to get BINGO!
What's Wrong? Card Game
Practice the dialogue of JHS New Horizon 1, Daily Scene 1 using a fun card game!
Find out what your future holds and practice the future tense using the classic fortune-telling game.