Relative Clause Mashup
Short writing/drawing activity to practice relative clause.
I like __ing Cards
Cards with a variety of gerunds practicing I like ___ing. Good for a short review
Mewo Preposition cards
Cards to practice prepositions using the character Mewo
King's Game
Based on the drinking game, students will practice saying and following instructions
Lunch Rush
Students roleplay as servers in restaurant based dialogue. Involves reading, speaking, memory and movement.
Summer Activity Cards
set of cards with summer vacation activities, double sided. can be used for a quick warm up game
Speed Comparisons
Speaking and listening activity that emphasizes quick thinking.
Random Writing Auction
Writing activity that can be adapted to multiple grammar points. Specific focus on encouraging students to write longer sentences.
Secret Zombie
Pair speaking activity that is adaptable to any dialogue. Flexible in time and content.
Food Hunt
Pair speaking activity that practices restaurant dialogue specific to Here We Go 1.
Zombie Town
A dialogue pair speaking activity that practices giving directions. This combines the zombie game and assassin game
What do I do here?
A speaking and reading activity that is a combination of where and command grammar points
Trick or Treat!
Fun time-flexible points game themed after trick o treating during Halloween
Show Tell Give Action Relay
Movement activity that practices the sentence structure (show/tell/give)(name)(object).
Here We Go 1 U1-U3P2 Vocabulary
Spreadsheet of vocabulary for Here We Go 1, from Unit1P1-Unit3P2. It can be used for vocabulary practice using quiz websites.
Musical Erasers
Speaking practice using the game musical chairs, swapping chairs out for erasers. Flexible to fit any grammar point
Bidding Wars
Listening and reading game that can be used for any type of grammar
Hot Potato Q and A
A flexible game that practices asking questions and getting answers.
Heads Up Seven Up Was/Wasn't
Heads up Seven up modified for the classroom. Involves speaking and writing
Gartic Phone (Telephone Game)
Telephone game, or "dengon game" in Japanese but adapted for the classroom. Involves writing, reading, and drawing.