This activity is simple and allows the students to come to their own conclusions.
Start by handing out the worksheet and going over what an optical illusion is. I used the example of is this two people or a vase? This is on the first page of the PowerPoint and on the work sheet. Go over how to answer the questions with "I think that" form. Explain that it is okay to say what they think because there is no wrong answer.
I gave my students about three minutes to think about what they see in each slide. Once they have written their answers down ask for volunteers to say what they see. After a student answers ask who sees the same thing. After a couple answers say what you think it is and ask the JTE. It can be fun to discuss the answers and how you see them in the illusion.
Some of the PowerPoint slides have a change button. If you click it the picture will change orientation so you all can see the other illusion. Click the button again for it to disappear.
We had an interesting discussion about the bus picture and how different countries have doors on different sides of the bus.
Great idea. I added the silhouette of the spinning woman which really broke their minds. They spend minutes discussing how it worked to try and understand it.
I think (that) this is a great activity! I tried it simply as a pair speaking activity but it's challenging to get students to speak in English, even after practicing how to ask and respond. :S They get excited and seem to forget it's English class! XD
Did this activity today to fill an extra 15 minutes at the end of the lesson and the students absolutely loved it. Thanks so much for sharing
Used this yesterday and the JTE loved it so much he requested it for next week too! Thank you so much! Added bonus seeing the chaos caused by the elephant one!