
What time do you CONCENTRATION

A presentation and card game for One World Smile Grade Five Lesson Four


I added material for the next part of this lesson. This part introduces 'always, never, sometimes' and 'usually'. Basically its a simple introduction and another JANKAN Race activity. The winner moves and makes a sentence such as 'I always get up in the morning' and the loser reactions 'Oh, that's cool'. You can demonstrate by clicking on the red and blue faces to get them to move around the board.


I've added an additional version of 'always, never...etc' with What's Missing at the beginning to practice the Free Time activities they also study in this very vocab-heavy unit.

Normally I work with a partner and he has a number of classroom routines which means the actual activity time is around 30 minutes for the new material. It would not be possible to get through all of this in 30 minutes. I'd say break it up and use it over more than one lesson.


Small Talk: for one minute the students mingle, make pairs and ask each other a question. The green circle is a timer. This or something like it is a regular classroom routine in most of my schools.


This is two 3 choice quizzes about 'What time do you (The ALT) get up?' and 'What time do you go to bed?'. I don't make groups and instead just have them do hands up. The main point here is to introduce the theme of the lesson and also practice the three patterns for reading time.


Use the presentation to make sure the students know how to say the time. As you click through it the time numbers will appear. Then demonstrate this activity. It is done in pairs, do rock scissors paper. The loser asks 'What time do you get up?' and the winner answers 'I get up at 1:05' and then repeat. Each time you when you advance on the board. For this you can make a copy of the race for each student or one copy to be shared by two students. To demonstrate you might want to make a large photocopy and then move either using colored magnets or colored chalk. If you are using the projector you can demonstrate using white board markers on the magnetic screen. Play for about 3-4 minutes and whoever advanced the furthest is the winner.


Check the first six and then see them again. You can play what's missing here. Students close their eyes and you click on one card to make it vanish. Ask what's missing and do this a few times. Have them call out the answers. I don't make groups for this. After playing 'What's missing' 4 or 5 times go onto the next six daily activities.


Here we combine the daily activities and the time. The demonstration screen has 3 activities and 3 clocks. As a demonstration pick one from each saying 'I get up' and click it 'at 8:00' and click it. If the animals match you cheer and can click the small star to make the cards vanish. Practice and explain on the demo screen and then go to the main screen.

Here if you had the time to prepare the cards and if you think the students are ready they can make groups and play concentration in groups. If you don't think they are ready you can play it as a class with each group or individual calling out what they want. When you prepare the cards make certain you glue the animal pairs two a time and an activity. Also you can change the background color of the animal cards to distinguish sets.

Small files
  • OWSmile 1-4 Daily Life Memory Cards.docx (920 KB)
  • OWSmile 1-4 Time Jankan Race.pptx (756 KB)
  • OWSmile 1-4 I always get up in the morning JANKAN RACE Worksheet.pptx (763 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • OWSmile 1-4 Clock Challenges and Daily Life.pptx (8.58 MB)
  • OWSmile 1-4 I always get up in the morning JANKAN RACE.pptx (4.67 MB)
  • OWSmile 1-4 I always get up in the morning JANKAN RACE (What's Missing MORE WORDS).pptx (14.2 MB)
  • 8
    Submitted by UonumaRobert September 9, 2021 Estimated time: Probably won't get through all of it in one lesson.

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