
Bakudan Game

Pass a ball or object around the room whilst playing music, the student who has the item in their hands when the music stops answers a question.

Students pass a ball (the bakudan) around the class whilst you play music.
When the music stops, the student holding the ball, says the word of the picture on the ppt.

My go to song for this game is the Tequila song by The Champs.
The students know it and it creates a fun atmosphere.

The eaisiest way to play this without it getting too rowdy is to make sure the students pass the ball gently to the desks surrounding them and not throw the ball across the room.
If the students drop the ball make them count down from 10 to 1, or sing the ABC song.

This powerpoint is aimed at Elementary 1st and 2nd years as it is super easy vocab or words they probably already know/use.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • ES - Bakudan game - say the word in English - Low lvl .pptx (21.6 MB)
  • 4
    Submitted by Ishtar March 16, 2022 Estimated time: 10-15mins
    1. UonumaRobert March 16, 2022

      Might work better if they had to say English words as they pass the ball around. Rather than making speaking English the punishment of the game. I find when the 'bomb' goes off they don't need a punishment. They find it humorous enough.

    2. Ishtar March 16, 2022

      Thanks for the advice. I have played it that way too, but I found my students enjoyed it more when used in the "punishment" way.
      To be honest, the kids didn't seem to take it as a "punishment", but I suppose it would depend on the students and atmosphere of the class.
      Also the cateogories game works best when doing the version that everyone would say a word, but I feel as that involves quick thinking and more vocab, that is more aimed at ES 3rd year +.

    3. UonumaRobert March 17, 2022

      That's cool. You know your students.

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