
Assembly Line (Phonics)

Cooperative Word-Making phonics game

What you'll need
Phonics worksheet, printed (A4 or A3 recommended)
Phonics cards, printed (A3 recommended)
TV & HDMI/Apple TV

How to play
Hand out the phonics cards in order to all of the students in class. If they are already in rows, excellent. If not, form rows.
This is a speed-dating-style game, where students quickly switch between partners for 10 rounds, trying to make words that contain their phonic and their partner's phonic. They get points for these words, 1 if it contains one of their phonics, and 2 if it contains both.
Start with 2 minutes, 1.5 minutes, 1.25 minutes, then 1 minute for all the remaining rounds.
Max score is 100, 5 words every time, both player's phonics included, but I've tentatively set the goal at 40. Will update if this is found to be too easy or two difficult.

The cards may be messed up a little, and some phonics may be much harder than others.

Submitted by BoyNamedCrow April 28, 2022 Estimated time: 35-45 Minutes
  1. UonumaRobert April 28, 2022

    I think this would be a good warm up for upper grade students or later in the year with the 1st years however I'm not sure all classes really learn phonics in much depth. I'd stick with alphabet combinations unless I was really sure the teacher covered phonics well. Also maybe make the writing cards bigger.

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