
I like...

Quick quiz for students to review colors, sports, animals, and vegetables. For grade 5 elementary

This is a warm-up quiz for the first lesson of One World Smiles 1, for the students to guess which items the teacher likes best.

To prepare the slides, please move the red circle on each slide to choose which color, sport, animal, or vegetable you like. You can make two versions for yourself and your co-teacher.

On each slide, the five possible choices will reveal one by one by clicking through the transitions. The final click reveals your choice. Have students ask "Do you like ____ ?" questions to you. If they choose the right item, reveal your choice and say "Yes, I do!" and they win! If not, say "No, I don't" with dramatic flair and continue having other students ask questions. Enjoy!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Grade 5 Lesson 1 - Nice to meet you! Likes and Dislikes.pptx (4.09 MB)
  • 4
    Submitted by PlastiCat June 9, 2022 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes

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