
He/She is my ~ (family edition)

Please feel free to use this to review the use of He/She and to introduce family members in English.

I used this with my special needs classes this week and they had a blast. They kept asking to play again and again even though they knew the answers already. Please feel free to use and modify as needed. My students specifically requested Nyanko (にゃんこ大戦争) characters-based game so please don't hesitate to change the characters to your students' liking.
⬇ Here's how ⬇
(Copy a picture you want to use. Next, right-click on a picture you want to change and select 'Change Picture' (図の変更)- 'From Clipboard...(クリップボードから...)' If you have saved the pictures you want to use, select 'From a File' (ファイルから...) instead.)

Slide 1: Family Tree
Slides 2-9: Practice target vocabulary
Slide 10: Memory Challenge. Choose a letter and a number and make a match! If students found a match, click the corresponding card on the stones to reveal the matching cards. Please click through this to be familiar with the timing of the animations.
Slide 11: Review He/She
Slides 12-17: Practice He/She with family members
Slide 18: Game intro: Nyanko Quest!
Slide 19: Show Nyanko's family tree and elicit the family member one by one.
Slide 20: Show a sample round where the main player is Nyanko against Sumikogurashi's neko. Click once to show the crowns. Play RSP to decide who will choose a crown first. The number of fingers revealed will determine the number of hits the opponent is getting. If the fingers show 3, click the opponent's character three times and the blows should reflect on the hearts below the characters. Play until someone wins. Unless someone already revealed the 4 finger hand, the last crown could be opened by the player who wins another janken.
Slide 21: Are you ready?
Slides 22-27: Elicit the family member and encourage the students to say the target sentence (He/She is my~./ He/She is ~.)
Slide 28: Good job!

PLEASE click through the slides to be familiar with the timing of the animations.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • He or She is my.pptx (6.08 MB)
  • 19
    Submitted by crisxselda September 27, 2022 Estimated time: 15-20 minutes
    1. monkey1772 September 28, 2022

      Very well done! I am a little confused on how the versus part works. Are the students split into teams? Are they doing the dialogue from the perspective of Nyanko even if they are not Nyanko? Are they only playing rock paper scissors or are they also using the target dialogue at the same time?

      I really like the way you did the memory game though, I am definitely going to use it in class today!

    2. crisxselda October 3, 2022

      Hi @monkey1772 ! Sorry the instructions weren't very clear. You have several ways to do the Nyanko battle game. You may do what I did in one of my classes where I played the role of the opponent. Since it was in a small class, the students played RSP to decide the order of students who would play against me. This can be played in teams as well. Representatives of groups play RSP until only two players are left. The two players play RSP one more time to know who will be the Nyanko family 1/2

    3. crisxselda October 3, 2022

      member and who will be the enemy. Different representatives play in every round and you can even have the final battle between the two teams who have the most wins or losses. And yes! For the battle game, they will assume the role of Nyanko (as 'me' in the family tree) and say the target sentence to talk about the characters of the game.

    4. rusty bucket February 3, 2023

      Hi @crisxselda my 2nd graders really enjoyed the matching game, unfortunately there was only one slide for my class of 29. I tried to duplicate the slide with no success(I'm not a PPT wiz), are you open to adding more slides to that game...pretty please?

    5. crisxselda February 9, 2023

      Hello rusty bucket. I'll make a separate ppt for the additional slides and upload them here. I'm glad your students enjoyed the game :)

    6. rusty bucket May 8, 2023

      Thank you kindly. :)

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