By the time I finished this, I saw that ohnoko had a Christmas themed one too, but with a karuta twist which I liked but had no time to prep it. (The instructions below were copied from rebandev's What is ~~ doing? Worksheet for "Park Life", modified with some of my experience.)
Split students into groups(I split them in pairs).
Read each hint aloud to check for understanding.
Students have to use the hints in the box to figure out which character is which. Below the hint box, there is room for them to write the letter of the character next to that character's name.
The first group to write all the letters next to the names are the winners for Part 1. Give them stickers/a prize. Once the first group finishes, write the answers on the board for the slower groups to copy (this saves time for the next activity).
WS, Part 2
1. Now that the students know which character is which, they have to read the questions about the characters and write the answer, or they have to read the answers and write the question.
- The first group to finish wins, or the group that writes the most by the end of the class wins.
**Note: you may have to teach the words 'slipping' and 'snowblower'.
The last 2 slides are hidden and contain the image of the scene, and the questions that accompany them.
Thanks to all those whose ideas were frankensteined into this activity!
Thank you for this! Is there a dedicated worksheet the students use to write their answers on somewhere?
@Ellie - I've added a worksheet!
Thank you for this! where do you get the pictures for the powerpoint?
Mainly from Irasutoya's website