
Do You Know Japan?

A warmup activity for passive voice where students are given 3 hints and have to guess the prefecture

My JTE and I first asked the students how many prefectures are in Japan and then to guess how many we've been to. After that, we would give them three hints that started difficult and then got easier for them to guess what prefecture. We would also have them talk with their partner about what prefecture they think it is. We started out with Fukui because that's where I'm based. In the end, we transitioned into the key sentence for the JTE to explain the grammar point for the lesson. Overall, it was a fun warmup and introduction to the grammar point.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Do You Know Japan.pptx (35 MB)
  • 50
    Submitted by lsuna February 15, 2023 Estimated time: 10 - 15 minutes
    1. Miltonite February 21, 2023

      This is a really good idea, and I like your examples! How did you specifically colour in each prefecture you've been to?

    2. lsuna February 24, 2023

      Hi! That was all in Adobe Illustrator. If you find a vector editing tool, you can do it as well

    3. kifaru February 28, 2023

      This is a great idea.

    4. ratclass January 9, 2024

      this is SO perfect for a sudden lesson that just popped up. thank you SO MUCH for sharing!

    5. r100505 January 25, 2024

      For those that don't have adobe illustrator, I found this website to fill out the prefectures!

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