
Bunch of Fun Riddles

Here's a list of riddles with visuals for your students to enjoy.

I gathered the simplest and easiest to understand riddles on the internet and made this Powerpoint. Quick and fun brain exercise for Junior High School students but you can also play this on your Grade 6 elementary class (depending on their level).

- Click forward to make the question and answer appear.
- You can do it individually or by group.
- I usually just do 2 or 3 riddles each class since one question may already take up to 5 minutes depending on the class level.

- Adjust the text and image animation base on how you want to present the questions. (i.e. pictures first then question, etc.) I like showing the text first and let them imagine the scenario before showing the visuals.
- I read each paragraph twice so the students can have a better grasp on what the statement is.
- I add gestures and other hints if I feel the students are having a hard time figuring it out. So far, most of them figured it out easily with no hints at all.

Let me know if there are any mistakes or if you have additional riddles you want me to add. I'll do my best to edit it.


Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Riddles for Beginners.pptx (4.62 MB)
  • 72
    Submitted by HeyItsMori February 21, 2023 Estimated time: 5-10 minutes
    1. ChetBorneo February 21, 2023

      Very nice idea.

      One mistake: water in uncountable so we cant use many. 'A lot of' or 'much'

    2. HeyItsMori February 21, 2023

      @ChetBorneo, thank you so much! Updated the file already.

    3. Isa 2022 February 22, 2023

      Wow, great! This is something special!
      Only maybe "surprised" in (Which letter of the alphabet is always surprise?).

    4. Jed222 February 22, 2023

      thank you, very useful

    5. MarinaS February 22, 2023

      This is a great PowerPoint I will try to use it in my English club and keep it around if I ever end up with free time at the end of a class! Come to think of it, I'm already planning on playing a kahoot next week on Monday and I'm worried it will be too short, so I will do this afterwards if I can! Thanks

    6. HeyItsMori February 22, 2023

      @Isa 2022, thank you! I updated the file.

    7. HeyItsMori February 22, 2023

      @Jed222, thank you too! Enjoy!

    8. HeyItsMori February 22, 2023

      @MarinaS, I'm excited for your class! I hope they enjoy it.

    9. Thehungrycaterpillar February 27, 2023

      Very clever activity! I admit I was caught by the banana in the coconut tree!

    10. stevenyc113 February 28, 2023

      This is just great, thank you so much

    11. jiggswalsh March 1, 2023

      Slide 14: "Which letter of the alphabet always askS a question?".

      Great powerpoint for the beginning of classes or if there is a spare 5 minutes at the end. Thank you!

    12. Furachan March 2, 2023

      This is cool, I think it would work with adults too.
      You asked about mistakes, you could put a "s" into the slide about the girl going to the zoo.

    13. HeyItsMori March 3, 2023

      Thank you so much everyone! I'm glad you liked it. I updated the file with all your feedbacks in mind. Thanks again! :)

    14. Mango May 29, 2023

      These are awesome- thank you! Can't wait to use them in class! =D

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