
Kitty collecting game - Present progressive (?)

A warm up activity to practice present progressive/continuous interrogative sentences and responses.

Each student gets around 3-5 cards (depending on class size).
Students walk around the classroom, find a partner and do janken.
Winner asks: “Are you ○○ing?”
- If the loser has the card, the answer is “Yes, I am” and the student gives the card to the winner.
- If the loser doesn’t have the card, the answer is “No, I’m not”.
Then they proceed to find a new partner.
After the time is up, use the ppt (slide 6) to reveal the points each card is worth and have the students count their points.

* Only the winner gets to ask.
* If a student runs out of cards, they can continue doing janken with the other students in the hope to win more cards.
* I made 2 special cards to make things more interesting:
The lucky card:
- Cancels all minus points.
- Students can ask for this card with the question “Are you praying?”.
The unlucky card:
- You lose half your +points.
- Allows you to lie about a card you don’t have -> The student who holds it can give it to any student who asks for a card he doesn’t have. For example:
A: Are you snowboarding?
(B doesn’t have the snowboarding card)
B: Yes, I am.
(Proceeds to give the unluck card).

Start by demonstraing the gameplay with your JTE.
I made the class play 2 rounds (5 minutes per round).
The first round we just played the normal version of collecting game. No points, no special cards and whoever gets more cards wins.
The second time we played the version I described above.

For the first round I stopped the ppt at slide 3. And left slide 3 on in case any student forgot how to say a question.

My students really enjoyed this activity :)

Small files
  • Collecting game card set.docx (847 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Collecting game.pptx (1.41 MB)
  • 16
    Submitted by Tina_1 January 18, 2024 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes
    1. greenteapeople February 7, 2024

      Played this with my students and they loved it! Thank you so much!

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