
Classroom Feud

End-of-school-year fun activity based on the popular TV quiz show, Family Feud.

Most of the questions are from this website Made it into a fill-in-the-blank kind of quiz. Used some of the grammar points covered throughout the school year (Here We Go 2 and 3). I could have used all the grammar points covered in all of the questions in this quiz but unfortunately, I didn't have enough time, so please feel free to do so if you can.

Students make groups of four or five. Each group gets a writing set (white board, eraser, marker). After seeing the question, T gives 1 minute 30 seconds for the groups to brainstorm ideas. Then, they write their final answers on the white boards provided. Group members take turns in reading and showing their answers to the class. Check answers and keep track of the points.

Note: During the brainstorming, I let each member share their ideas by saying, "I think..." and other group members will either say, "I agree. I think.../I disagree because..."

Submitted by taloytoy2000 February 23, 2024 Estimated time: Whole period
  1. nauteacher February 29, 2024

    This sounds fun, I want to try this is my class!

    I was thinking that each question can be up to 3 rounds. So if students don't get all the answers immediately, they'll have a second and third chance to clear the board.
    I'm hoping that I can add an effect on the presentation so that the answer is revealed when I click on a specific one.

    I'm also thinking I could add Fast Money (or should I say Fast Points) to the end of the game. Students will have 3-4 minutes to answer 10 questions. They get an additional 1 point to their total for each question they get the top answer for, so up to 10 bonus points.

  2. taloytoy2000 March 4, 2024

    Absolutely! I hope you don't mind sharing your improvised version. haha I'm very bad at ppt. And I like the Fast Money idea. Cheers!

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