
Numbers 1-20 Memory Sequence Game

Students make their own sequence of 7 digits, using only 2 specific numbers at a time. Go around the room, and have other classmates memorize and say the sequence. for ES 1,2,3年 or other beginners

This activity is flexible - I think it would be great for Days of the Week, Months, etc. and other vocabulary that are particularly hard to pronounce and memorize all in one go.

I made this activity in response to my HRTs always teaching a certain lesson in one big lump (Teaching Flashcards of Numbers 11-20, all 12 Months or 7 days, 20 animals at a time), with their go-to activity afterwards making the students answer/say the word, one student at a time, resulting in a lot of tears, broken confidence, and just a low student morale over-all. It's easy for students who have English exposure, but not everyone is like that and there's at least 2-3 kids who end up afraid and probably not liking English classes at all.

Memory Sequence Game is basically looking at a sequence of pictures (in this case, numbers) for 5 seconds, the teacher concealing the sequence, then students saying the sequence in the correct order.

For example: 12 - 20 - 20 - 12 - 20 - 12 - 12

It breaks up the big lesson into chunks, only doing 2-3 words at a time.
And with the game format, it motivates all students to try answering, and end up saying the target words at least 3times each.

  1. Memory Sequence Example File - use this to demonstrate to the whole class.
    Show 2 numbers, practice the pronunciation of the 2 numbers, then show one sequence for 5 seconds (adjust if needed), click to next slide showing blank sequence, students answer together the 7 digits shown.
    There are only 3 example sequences. The rest of the activity time will be focused on students interacting with other classmates, making their own sequence and answering other sequences.

  2. Memory Sequence Worksheet File - print 1 copy (back-to-back) for each student.
    Allot 2-3 minutes for each round x 8 rounds.
    For each round:

  3. Show the 2 numbers first. Example: 3 and 4 only. Practice saying 3, 4.

  4. Ask students to make their own sequence - they have to write 3 and 4 at least 3 times each in the 7-digit sequence.
    They can choose either number for the extra 7th digit. (This should only take a few seconds, 20seconds max.)

  5. Students stand up, find a partner, and agree who goes first.

  6. Student A shows their sequence for 5 seconds, covers it.

  7. Student B says the sequence. Student A confirms if correct.

  8. Students A and B exchange roles.

  9. Find a different partner and do again.

There are 5 rounds for 2 numbers each.
The 6th, 7th, 8th round are more difficult with 3-4 numbers each. They should be able to build up their memory of the pronunciation of the numbers by then.

I suggest doing Numbers 1-10 on the first lesson, (especially if it's just a review from what they knew last year)
then do Numbers 11-20 on the 2nd lesson.

You can also do your own version with up to 10 digits, or more numbers (11-15, or 11-20) with students having the freedom to choose which numbers to include and exclude. This can be for a future 3rd or 4th lesson, when they are more comfortable with all numbers and have better mastery.

Even with 2 minutes per round, each student would have played with several partners and pronounced the numbers several times.
(versus whole class type of activity, with some students slacking off.)

**Make sure you and the JTE go around and check students are saying the numbers in English, not Japanese. (I partnered with students because of the odd number, but regretted not checking other students.)
Also, some naughty students wanted to make it hard for classmates, writing very small or ineligible numbers, remind them at the start to write big and clear numbers.

Submitted by connichiwow May 28, 2024 Estimated time: 20 minutes x 2 sessions (1-10, 11-20)

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